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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-08-23
Age: 31
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"Purrrr ;)"

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? DressUpMyspace.com - myspace layouts.? Get This Layout At Dressupmyspace.com
Alguém Especial
she is my mom. she doesnt use her account verymuch cause she is so busy.I love my mom.she is the best! she gives me evrything.She is the one who buys me my credits! Thanks mom! sumtimes i even feel spoiled.she is such a sweatheart.if i am nice 2 her she is twice as nice.i love you sooo much mom!
Minha Lista de Desejos
these are the stuff i want (obviously) u dont need 2 gift me anything but if ur nice and u decide 2 gift me anything then i thank you soo much! if u do give me anything it doesnt need 2 be expensive at all i love stickers too! XD
[E] Princess Stamp[TY] I AM A GIRL stampI am who i am...{T}cow stamp*L* Plastic Electra [P]
ANN Stilleto GlitterBlue{T}duckies stamp*L* Flirtation [P][ACS] BEAUTY SALON I[8O8] Platinum Models I
(Ð) ItsAllAboutME![KZ] Bubble: Smexy[MK] Delilah Hoodiex:K.E:x Marshmallow STAM-tx- happy eyes green
Sugar Cow[E] IMVU Lover Stampspacerspacerspacer
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