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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2005-11-03
Age: 42
Nova Zelândia
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Veja meus Álbuns (1)

Ok, time to give this thing a bit of an overhaul. Non-essential stuff has been turned off to minimise clutter and make for a more efficient page.

First of all a few simple ground rules.

1. NO BEGGING. (Unless you are one of my minions!)
2. See Rule 1. Read it three or four times. Understood? Ok, move on to Number 3.
3. I'm happy to chat to most people, but if approached with a friend request, I expect you to share at least some of my interests. I won't friend someone who will never talk to me after the first chat just so they have an extra friend to pad their list.
4. I'm generally a friendly guy, so feel free to invite me to chat, if I seem to be in a bad mood, don't take it personally, I may have just had a bad day at work ^^''
5. If my status is set to "Do Not Disturb", I am either not at my keyboard, or I am working on something important and don't have time to chat. PLEASE leave a message, I don't bite (hard).
6. USE FULL WORDS WHEN TALKING TO ME, I do NOT tolerate netspeak/"leetspeak". If you say 'u' because it's shorter than 'you', I'll say 'bye' because it's shorter than 'hello'."
7. DO NOT SPAM MY PAGE. My comments are set so that only I can see them, so it is not like anyone else will see your advertisments except me. Waste of time, plain and simple.

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships
Meus vídeos
*points down* Time for some new music! This is a song called "Wind's Nocturne", from an old playstation game called "Lunar: Silver Star Story", personally I love the tune, and pretty much everyone I know thinks the same.

Time for a bit of nostalgia! Let's see how many of you out there remember this kick-ass bit of acapella (or should I say Rockapella =p) from the 1990's

*points down* Lastly, something moving away from my usual displays of j-pop or anime based music, this is an old star-wars themed parody of the song "Rock Me Amadeus", called "Jabba on the Dais", anyone that is a star wars fan should find this amusing.

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