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Im generous.. I give gifts all the time.. lying ass ticketer.
friendly Amigos 12
visitors Visitantes 747
kharma Presentes 15
generosity Generosidade 70

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My Latest.. Somewhere special, for two special people -smile-
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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-03-23
Age: 39
United States - CA
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"they say beauty is the eye of the beholder, well i say ***** i define beauty, wtf i need a beholder"

See My Albums (3)

1st I would like to say NO BEGGARS!!! No monkey im not giving you shit! I'f i like you i will give u something.. but good luck with that. haha.. And please .. You have to be 21 and older to ride this!!Now...About ME!! I'm that "Cali Chick" that is unbelievable.. Easy to get along with.. I'm a full time college student.. part time worker.. I gotta have some kind of money! Im still fairly new to imvu.. and so far so good.. i mean your will meet some weird ass people no matter where you go.. but hey! At least this is safer.. haha myspace layouts @ www.hot-lyts.com
myspace Layouts, codes &much more
myspace Layouts, codes &much more

I got this skinny layout from www.hot-lyts.com, click here to check them out =)

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Hey! Every Girl Has Her Wants And Needs... -wink-
J$ Dbl Platinum Chain F{2|{lean} Couple Wear:+:DnG:+: Navyspacerspacer
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The friends, the lovers, the stalkers, everyone.. no matter thanks for stopping by. much appreciated.. told ya,. i love the attention <3
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Newbiiieeesss!!! gotta love the losers -smile-

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