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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-12-31
Age: 31
United States - GA
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--Hello...FxD here.
--She's actually 17. :]
--She doesn't like rap/country music but everything else is alright.
--Japan is her passion.
--She plans to take over the world...wanna help her?
--She can be emo at times. sad ain't it.
--She doesn't cyber, so don't ask for it.
--She's a single lady, kewlio isn't it?
--She tends to update her avi alot, don't like it..sorry it's her thing.
--Don't make fun of her for what she likes.She doesn't laugh at you for the things you like.
--Penguins, Giraffes, and sheep are the coolest animals to her.
--She supports gays and lesbians. They are nicer than most regular people.
--She's an itachi fan... big time. *note the large sticker to the right.*
--She's an otaku [majorly]::current obsession-Prince of Tennis *lol*::
--Music is a passion of hers, she likes to update her music player.
--Her friends mean the world to her. Please don't insult them, if you like to live.
--She has a myspace, but that doesn't mean she'll give it out to you.
--She likes to chat, so if she's online, ASK TO CHAT!!!
--Ily all.. have a randomly RADD day. :]]
get your own layout here.get your own layout here.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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**No Flamers! [[don't like me for me; keep it too yourself.]]
**No chains, they just annoy the feck crackers out of me.
** Be nice or just don't leave a message.
**You don't have to give me something. But I do try to give back if I can. hehe. :3
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