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Sobre Mim
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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2006-11-23
Age: 34
Estados Unidos - MO
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Relationship Status: In a Relationship
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I like to think of myself as a simple guy... but apparently im not lol. I love music, and being outside. I guess you could say im a low level addrenaline junkie. I hate fake people, yeah im talking to all you idiots who post pictures of people who arent really you. Dont waste your time and add me with out talking to me first, its not gonna happen. I get bored easily so if i stop talking or forget your name, dont take it personally im just that way sometimes. =] well enjoy my page, and leave a message
Minha Lista de Desejos
Gold Watch[C]Supra Grey Classic[PL] HeaD -TRIAD-[P] Good head[cc7]the handsome head 1
[DC] Passion-Muscle Top|:B:| Black Vrt Shirt[4M] Red Sexy Topspacerspacer
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Youll Always Be My ThundShatter MeI Love Paramore
Alguém Especial
freshasiam não tem um alguém especial.

Shawney Shawney.... If you took all weve been through, you could make one heckuva story haha. Love you, Hate the fact your on the other side of the world.
ERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha, my bestfriend, my supplier, my pimpette. Seen me at the best of times and been there for me at the worst of them. Anytime i need to talk to anyone your always the first person in my mind. thanks for everthing, love ya.
Hayleyface, wow. Rofl, even though i was stupid... and things happened. I will never forget all the wonderful things weve been through
Nicolleee :D haha your pretty much my style/photo girl. Weve taken some sexy and a few... strange, pictures. Heres to you
Nelson, I swear hes me in a different body lol. My twin brother
Jai, shes my party girl, haha. We are the people that get called in to liven up a place. good times
Meus Amigos (24)
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friendly Amigos 24
visitors Visitantes 1111
kharma Presentes 21
generosity Generosidade 27

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