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~CCF~N.C.Di&HiGlossPurENGoldy Princess Tiara[SD] Kiss Risk x.XVested Tshirt PurpleMahogany Katie
*Ss* Chiyuu Brown$ColourTank GumNR-LMTP1 TIGHT PANTS(SL)[Fly] Vintage CamiShirt*Anime* Forest Girl Grn
$Chiyo - Gumv3*Sp* HCO Gray[Sp] F- Tee[SD] GLAMOROUS!!High Cons Gum
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Alguém Especial
Natalia is my best friend ever. I have know her since 4th grade, and shes been my friend ever since. She can be a bit grumpy at times but she is still totally sweet. She's a tough cookie but she can be really nice too. She was my friend when another friend had me down. Even if she does move she will always be my best friend.

TWINSRULE2 & princcess470
You two are the sweetest-ass people I have ever met. You guys are awesome and I don't know what life would be like without you. ILY Best Friends forever !

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